With Bulkwa, you can automate your Whatsapp messages so that you can focus on other tasks. This app can help you save time by sending messages automatically.
Bulkwa allows you to send bulk Whatsapp messages to a group of people at once. This can be useful for businesses or individuals who need to send a lot of messages at once.
Bulkwa is a tool that allows users to manage multiple Whatsapp groups at the same time. It provides users with an easy way to keep track of conversations and messages, as well as managing group members and permissions.
The fpoint bulk wa software is designed to make it easy for users to interface with the software. The software provides a user friendly interface that is easy to use and navigate.
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So what it actually does is send the message to web whatsapp and healdessly run the script in cloud.You just need to give the message and contact list to the app and it will work in the background.
Just create a account in bulkwa website then login with your phone number , then you will get a QR code just scan that in your whatsapp then your web whatsapp will be running in cloud and you will get all the features of web whatsapp in bulkwa like creating group , sending messages , view messages , etc.
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It is impossible to say for sure whether or not WhatsApp will block a user, as it depends on a number of factors including how the service is used. However, Bulkwa does not take any responsibility for users who may be blocked by WhatsApp as a result of using the service.
We offer a refund for Bulkwa if WhatsApp is blocked. We only charge for the amount of service that has been used.
You can reach to us by dialling 918770564800 or by email to publicdrop.connect@gmail.com. .
What's new at Bulkwa.